All You Ever Wanted To Know About Christmas Garland
Christmas Eve

All You Ever Wanted To Know About Christmas Garland

You may see garland and simply think about the many different ways in which you can use this around your home during the holidays. You may look at some garland and think that the color is something that would look great with one theme or another. However, have you ever really given thought to why garland is a must-have for most people who decorate for Christmas? Where did it come from? When did people start associating this with something that is super Christmas related?

The History of Garland

Garland has been seen throughout history, and was often used as some sort of decor for various groups of people hundreds upon thousands years ago. For example:

In Egypt, garlands have been regularly used after the manner of mummification.

In the Middle Ages have been considered extra and extra as each adornments for the physique and used in non-secular rituals. Garland circlets have been regularly worn at unique occasions like gala’s and weddings. In addition, they frequently had been used to enhance spiritual statues or alters.

If you fast forward a bit, to today’s garland, we will find that this is artificial compared to the way in which they would use garland. In the past, real pine was often used for these garlands. However, many people would use corn husks and the like to create these.

But, why are they so associated with Christmas? Thanks to the many ways in which these garlands were used in ceremonies and even religious events — they slowly morphed into something that symbolizes celebration. And Christmas  is definitely a celebration!

How To Use Garland

There are numerous ways in which you can use garland throughout your home as a beautiful Christmas decoration that can really flatter the tree that you have up in your home. Many people even use garland on the exterior of their home as a way to add some exterior holiday cheer. Consider these ways of using garland:

  1. Wrap this around banisters to help spruce up a stairwell.
  2. Drape from a fireplace.
  3. Use outside your windows to wrap around the window frame for a beautiful look.
  4. Combine with bows or even ornaments to make a unique look wherever you decide to hang the garland.
  5. Decorate pieces of furniture. For example, hang this around your tv stand in your den or living room.
  6. Use a way to make a unique table setting, perfect for those who want to make a holiday table that is going to be beautiful and fit in with the theme of your Christmas decor.

Do you use artificial Christmas garlands throughout your home as a decorative piece? If you do, you are in good company as it has been used this way for centuries. However, if you are still not sure about using this, what is holding you back? The Egyptians, those in the middle ages, and other groups are not wrong in loving garland for decorating, so you have nothing to loose!