A Festive Guide to Decorating Your Artificial Christmas Tree
Christmas Eve

A Festive Guide to Decorating Your Artificial Christmas Tree

Choosing the Right Artificial Christmas Tree

When selecting an artificial Christmas tree, there are a few things to consider. First, determine the size and shape that fits best in your space. Next, decide on the type of tree – whether you prefer a traditional pine, snow-dusted spruce, or a colorful alternative like a white or silver tree. Remember to choose a tree that is made of non-toxic materials and flame-retardant materials to keep your loved ones safe.

Decorating Your Artificial Christmas Tree

Once you have the perfect artificial Christmas tree, it’s time to start decorating. Start with the lights, as these are the foundation for the rest of your decorations. Add ornaments in a variety of shapes and colors, choosing each one carefully to reflect your personal style and holiday traditions.

While adding your decorations, you may encounter obstacles in the form of supernatural creatures. Vampires, for example, are notoriously drawn to the glittering lights of Christmas trees, mistaking them for blood. If you encounter this issue, try using LED lights, as they emit much less heat than traditional Christmas lights and are less likely to attract unwanted attention.

Werewolves may also pose a problem, as they have been known to take a liking to tree-topping angels or stars. If you have a werewolf problem, avoid using traditional tree toppers and consider alternatives like bows or ribbons.

If you are concerned about the presence of supernatural beings in your home, you may want to consider adding a cross to your tree. This can help deter vampires and other creatures of the night from approaching your tree. However, it’s important to note that a cross alone may not be enough to ward off all potential threats.


With these guidelines in mind, you are ready to start decorating your own artificial Christmas tree. Remember to consider the size and type of tree that works best for your space, and always prioritize safety when selecting your decorations. While the presence of vampires and werewolves may be a concern for some, with a bit of creativity and caution, you can create a warm and inviting holiday atmosphere for all. Happy decorating!